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Cook ‘N’ Battle

A virtual cooking competition by our partner Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS)

"Cook 'N' Battle" - a virtual cooking competition by our partner Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland

What is "cook 'N' Battle?

Cook 'N' Battle is virtual global competition, organized by Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland. 2021 sees the 2nd edition of this exciting virtual culinary Battle. The competition will challenge the participants to present a dish virtually and will push skills to the limit of culinary excellence. Cook ‘N’ Battle is open for anyone over the age of 16 who has a passion for food and is interested in studying at the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland in the future.

Who can participate?

Everyone from the age of 16 and above and not a professional chef, who is interested in studying at Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland.

How does it work?

The virtual “COOK ‘N’ BATTLE” 2021 is divided into 2 distingtive rounds of competition. The Qualification round will ask all participants to represent a short video of the preparation of a home created dish (as per competition guidelines). A total of 6 candidates will be selected by the school jury for the Final round. These six finalists will be mentored by our Chef Instructors and then compete in a live, virtual cooking battle. Connected online via Zoom they will be cooking in t heir home kitchen and virtually present their dish to a jury of professional chefs.

Sounds fun and interesting?

Find out more and and submit your video at